28 Sept 2013

Provas, nossa Roça e um aniversário

Oi gente,

After a long time here's a new post for you. The last weeks have been busy and when I had time to write, I was too lazy ;)

First of all, what happened:
I had lots of test and this week on Wednesday and Friday I'll have two again. These are the "Simuladas" which means that there are 50 questions from all subjects. That's really much and very, very tiring. The last time I just resolve 15 and the rest I just chose one letter randomly.
Anyway I reached 0,72 of 3, I think that's a good result (for me) and I wasn't the worst student of my class - so everything's cool :D
The "Simuladas" are the last two test of the Bimestre and yeah that means my first of four Bimestre in Brasil is ending next week and my one-week holidays are starting soon. Time is passing so fast :o

What else? My host grandfather has a little house in the nature near Varginha and at one weekend we went there and cleaned it.
Now it's very nice inside and we can spend our weekends there and enjoy it.
It's such a lovely place, here are "some" photos:
My favourite place there :)

Our little house there :)
My host brother - isn't he sweet? :D
Sunrise there *-*
On Saturday was the 7. Birthday of my host brother. All the day we prepared his birthday party and in the evening the guests (some of his friends and some family members) arrived.
It was a nice celebration and the food was fabulous *-*
Here are some pics:

His birthday cake *-*

Yes, I had fun ;)
So I think that all the news I wanted to tell you.
Last week we had a literature project in my school and as soon as I get the pictures, I'll write about it :)

Até logo, Sandra

12 Sept 2013

40 dias: mais de um mês Brasil

Oi gente,

Yeah I know I didn't write something in the past two weeks but I wasn't in the mood to do it.
Today will be a short post just to get you updated.

I had my first Portuguese-German dream about 1 week ago. It was crazy and I not realized it until the afternoon.
Since then I had some more bilingual dreams.

I started to go tho the gym yesterday and I like it.
But today I didn't had time to go there because of the test in the afternoon.

I got my first top grade - in English.
But it's really easy to get it because English isn't difficult here. Even I'm a bid proud.
And I got some more good grades in physics and maths 2 (geometry).

I slept the first time in school.
In Germany I wouldn't  have done this but here it's possible and the teacher didn't say nothing even he saw it (I'm sure!) :D

My German is getting worst every day and feels very crazy because I didn't think this could happen.
Last week I spoke German with a woman (my contact person) and I've to say it was funny after speaking Portuguese with here the whole time before that.

I had my "survival orientation" with my contact person, another woman from AFS and the other four Italian exchange students in my comitee.
We talked a lots abou the things we already learned on our preparation weekends in Germany, but it's always good to talk about it again.

On one Sunday we went to the farm of the host family of one Italian exchange student. There we wook some pictures and had lots of fun.
In the afternoon we went to Elói Mendes (city next to Varginha) and there's a statue simalary like the one in Rio de Janeiro.

Last weekend my host family and I went to the house of my grandpa and his wife.
There we were also some uncles, aunts and cousins.
I really love the time with my family, they're crazy and funny :D

I think that's all that happend in the last time - nothing really special.
I'll again next week or when something special happens.

Até logo, Sandra
P.S: I wanted to show you this pic of my arrival so long, now I got it: