31 Jul 2013

Tomorrow at this time...

...I'm already on the way to Brazil!
Can't believe that this is true. It feels like just a short time there were about 100 days left.
And now: 1 DAY!! 24 HOURS!!

But first of all: Oi e Bom dia todos!
My big suitcase
So today was my last day in Germany, but it wasn't really special. I just packed the last things and downloaded some music, so that I have something to do in this 12 hours of flying.

The biggest problem I had in the last day was my suitcase. It's just to heavy! My organisation say we can only take 20kg with us, but Lufthansa (the airline) allows 23kg. It's very weird.
My suitcase weight between 20 and 21kg now depented on how I position it on the scale. I hope it ok like that.
My hand luggage weights about 7kg, really close to excess luggage, but I hope it'll work like that.
But I was very stressed because of packing my bags the last days...

my handbag
My smaller hand luggage suitcase

Last Thursday I had my "Até logo" (Goodye) - Party with my family. Nearly my whole family was there and it was a great evening. We had a barbecue and I ate so much :D
I'll miss them all so much.

My "Goodbye" sign my mum mad :)

I love you all! And I'll miss you ♥
I can't describe my feelings at the moment. I'm really happy that it all starts tomorrow and I'm very, very excited too. But of course I'm also nervous. And I feel like I haven't realise that I'm one year away from my home yet. I'm in a roller coaster of feelings at the moment.

So I don't think there's more to say.
My post next post is defently from Brazil *-* And maybe I'm going to make a video during the flight and the stay at the airport of São Paulo (but just if you want to see one).

And by the way: Thank you for over 2000 page views. OBRIGADA! ♥
I wish you all a good time e até logo,




Unknown said...

Ich wünsche dir einen guten Flug und 23kg sind ja ein bisschen wenig. Die Fluggesellschaft versteht einfach uns Frauen nicht. Wir brauchen unsere Klamotten!!!



Monskii92 said...

bom Vôo (: eu desejo muito felicidade, brincadeira e muito boa vivência pra você.

haha ich hoffe, du verstehst es schon (: mein Protugiesisch ist nicht mehr auf dem besten Stand (:
habe mir aber Mühe gegeben... Sry wenns gramatikalisch nicht richtig ist...

Wünsche dir viel Spaß und eine tolle Zeit ;) Ich fliege im nächsten Frühjahr nochmal 3 Wochen nach Macaé (:

LG Mona

eliza said...

Ich wünsch dir auch einen guten Flug! Hab ne tolle Zeit, ich werde morgen an dich denken :)) liebe grüße, elisa ♥